스팸번호 검색 spam number search

9 spam number search sites (+ search result differences by site)

스팸번호 검색


9 Spam Phone Number Search Sites

A summary of sites that can search for spam numbers! 스팸번호 검색


Terrible spam calls even on weekends and red days! If you get spam calls too often, there are many cases where you don’t answer a number you don’t know at all. However, if there is a call waiting for you, even if it is a number you do not know, it is difficult to answer, so you end up answering it. When young people receive a call from a number they do not know, they immediately search for the spam phone number, but in fact, elderly people who do not know these things are often unable to block them separately. 좋은뉴스 


So today, I’ve collected and organized sites that can search for spam phone numbers.



phone close-up

Spam number search site
I will introduce you to 9 sites that can search for spam phone numbers. In order to check the results of the actual search, I searched the same spam number on all sites for one unknown number that was recently called to me. The search result screen will be attached as [More] under each site item. Looking at the difference in search results, it is clear that the accumulated data for each site is also different.



spam phone number database
① Spam phone number database

☞ Shortcut when clicked



This is the ‘Spam Phone Number Database’, the oldest spam phone number search site in Korea. If you search after entering a 3-20 digit phone number including area code, you can immediately find out if it is a spam number. In fact, when I searched for the spam phone number I recently received, it came out as a Korean-Chinese phishing Internet number. (T_T)


▼ Search Results Screen

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114 On
② 114 On

☞ Shortcut when clicked


It is ‘114 On’ that can search not only spam phone numbers, but also cell phone numbers, public phone locations, and area codes. When I searched for the spam number here, unlike [① Spam Phone Number Database], there was no search result. Instead, it said that there was a report of spam / crime / fraud, and when I checked it, there were about 1,000 reports.


▼ Search Results Screen

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what is this number
③ What is this number

☞ Shortcut when clicked


‘What’s This Number’ can search for spam numbers on PC, but you can also download the mobile app and use it conveniently. When I searched for the spam phone number here, it came out as an Internet phone advertisement number, unlike [① Spam phone number database]. If you install the mobile app, it tells you where you are when you receive a call you don’t know, and you can also search for a number right from the app, so please refer to it.


▼ Search Results Screen

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whos number
④ Whos Number

☞ Shortcut when clicked


Unlike other sites, it is ‘Whos Number’ where people who search for the number can comment. Even if it’s not necessarily an advertising call, you can leave a comment about a mysterious number you don’t know where it is. When I did a spam phone number search, there were no results here.


▼ Search Results Screen

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Miss Call Info
⑤ Miss call info

☞ Shortcut when clicked


This is also a site where you can leave a comment on a specific number, the same as [④ Whos Number]. When I did a spam number search here, nothing came up.


▼ Search Results Screen

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spam note
⑥ Spam Note

☞ Shortcut when clicked


This is also a site where you can leave a comment on a specific number, the same as [④ Whos Number] and [⑤ Miss Call Info]. If you have experienced any inconvenience due to a specific number, or if you want to let others know, it would be okay to enter it as a reference on a site where you can leave comments like this. Also, when I searched for the spam number, there were no results, and a window appeared asking me to leave information for others to refer to.


▼ Search Results Screen

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junk call
⑦ Junk Call

☞ Shortcut when clicked


You can also check comments for a specific number here, and overall it is a site similar to [① Spam Phone Number Database]. When I did a spam number search here, there were several comments about that number.


▼ Search Results Screen

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the call
⑧ The Call

☞ Shortcut when clicked


This is a site where you can leave a short comment along with a spam number search. In addition, the number of spam numbers registered on the current site and the number of spam numbers registered yesterday and today are counted. There is also a separate mobile app, but iPhone is not supported and only Android seems to be available. When I searched for the spam number here, it came up as an internet subscription advertisement.


▼ Search Results Screen

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Naver Whoscall
⑨ Naver Whoscall

☞ Shortcut when clicked


Naver ‘Whoscall’ is an app that can be downloaded and used on mobile devices. In addition to the spam number search service, you can check the caller ID when a call comes in, and it has the advantage of sharing the number information with 50 million users around the world in real time.


If you are bothered by frequent calls from unknown numbers, it would be nice to install an app that checks the caller ID and receive them selectively when you receive a call. If you search the spam phone number on the Whoscall PC homepage, the app download screen will appear, so please download the mobile app and search.


▼ Search Results Screen

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So far, we have introduced 9 sites that can search for spam numbers.


As you can see from the search results for each site, even if you search for the same spam number, some places say Korean-Chinese phishing and others say Internet advertisements. Although the major categories of spam calls are the same, the contents are different, so I am a little confused. Still, it seems to be helpful just to confirm that it is a spam number because it is a call that I do not want to receive in the end.


These days, there are so many mobile apps that can search for spam numbers, but if you don’t get results or feel uncomfortable, try searching again on PC sites that have accumulated a lot of data.