국민카드 해지 Termination of Kookmin Card

How to cancel the Kookmin Card / Go to the Kookmin Card website

In the past, I had been issued a Kookmin Card and participated in an event. Come to think of it, I didn’t cancel it. I had been using it for a while, so I had been thinking about canceling it later, and forgot about it. Since it’s a card I don’t use anyway, and I have to pay an annual fee for a while, I thought I should cancel it quickly when I thought about it.

1. How to cancel Kookmin Card

국민카드 해지

Once you cancel your Kookmin Card, there may be two approaches. Usually, when canceling a card, you access it through a mobile application or use a website or homepage. Kookmin Card is a bit different. 국민카드 해지

Kookmin Card-Cancellation-App-FAQ-Check 좋은뉴스 
Termination of Kookmin Card
The way to cancel the Kookmin Card was only possible by visiting the card in person or through the Kookmin Card application, website, or Kookmin Card homepage. I am trying to find out how to cancel through the Kookmin Card website this time. That’s why you need a computer to cancel your Kookmin Card. Or you can visit the branch directly. However, since the process of visiting takes time, we will try to proceed through the website.


Go to Kookmin Card Homepage

Kookmin Card-Homepage-Main screen
Kookmin Card website
The method is through the Kookmin Card website. It would be nice to visit and try together. If you access the Kookmin Card homepage above, the main screen will appear. After logging in, you can see the menu called my kb.

Kookmin Card-Cancellation-Find Menu
Find menu
Then, in the my bk menu, press the menu in the order of information management-ownership card management.

Ownership card management-card cancellation-information
card cancellation
Now, the cards you have are coming out. Select the card you wish to cancel and click Cancel Card. It is possible to apply for reissuance after loss from the corresponding menu, so please refer to this section as well.

Kookmin Card-Owned-Mileage-and-Points-Check
Check mileage and points
When you apply for cancellation, you will receive mileage or points. If it is the last card, please organize all the types of points before canceling. If you completely drop out, you may not be able to use it anymore.

Kookmin Card-Cancellation completed
Cancellation complete
If you select the reason for cancellation and complete the authentication process, the cancellation will be completed. Please select the reason for cancellation.



Then it’s all over. The remaining annual fee is calculated on a pro-rata basis and refunded. However, since I’ve been using it for almost a year, I don’t think a lot of money will be refunded.

2. Finish
This is how I found out how to cancel the Kookmin Card. I hope this helped. Thanks for reading.