제주도 관광 지도 Jeju Island tourist map alri Shore Road and

제주도 관광 지도
Title: Exploring Jeju Island: Your Ultimate Tourist Map Guide

Welcome to Jeju Island, a dazzling gem located off the southern coast of South Korea. In this blog post, we will provide you with the perfect tourist map to guide your adventure on this breathtaking island. From incredible natural wonders to captivating cultural sites, Jeju Island offers a plethora of attractions that will leave you awestruck. Let’s begin our journey and delve into the must-visit destinations on this pristine island.

1. Exploring Jeju City:
Embark on your Jeju Island adventure by discovering the charms of Jeju City, the capital of the island. Meander through the vibrant streets adorned with colorful shops, indulge in delicious local cuisine, and visit the Jeju Folklore & Natural History Museum, where you can learn about Jeju’s unique cultural heritage.

2. Discover Jongdalri Shore Road:
Take a stroll along Jongdalri Shore Road and soak up the mesmerizing coastal scenery. Marvel at the turquoise blue waters, watch the gentle waves crashing against the volcanic rocks, and capture unforgettable photographs as you make your way to the famous Yongduam Rock—the Dragon Head Rock.

3. Unveiling the Beauty of Seongsan Ilchulbong:
Put on your hiking boots and conquer the magnificent Seongsan Ilchulbong, also known as the Sunrise Peak. This UNESCO World Heritage site unveils an extraordinary crater formed by a volcanic eruption and rewards visitors with breathtaking panoramic views of the island and its surrounding waters.

4. Mesmerizing Waterfalls of Jeju:
Immerse yourself in nature’s wonder as you visit the enchanting Cheonjiyeon Falls and Cheonjeyeon Falls. Walk through lush forests, marvel at the crystal-clear cascades, and embrace the soothing atmosphere that surrounds these ethereal wonders.

5. A Journey to Jeju’s Countryside:
Escape the bustling city life and venture into Jeju’s countryside. Explore the picturesque green tea plantations of Daheeyeon, where you can experience the art of tea-making while enjoying panoramic views of the sprawling fields. Additionally, don’t miss the charming Udo Island, renowned for its white sandy beaches and vibrant coral reefs.

6. A Glimpse into Jeju’s Haenyeo Culture:
Immerse yourself in the island’s rich heritage by learning about the remarkable Haenyeo, Jeju’s female divers. Visit the Haenyeo Museum in Hado-ri to gain insight into their courageous way of life and witness captivating performances showcasing their unique skills.

7. Lighthouse Tour: Navigating the Coastline:
Embark on a lighthouse tour to witness Jeju Island’s stunning coastal beauty and navigate its rugged shores. From the iconic Seongsan Lighthouse to the picturesque Aewol Coastal Walkway, each destination offers mesmerizing views and a glimpse into Jeju’s maritime history.

Jeju Island, South Korea’s idyllic paradise, offers an array of captivating attractions that are sure to enchant every traveler. This blog post provided you with a comprehensive tourist map to help you navigate the island’s wonders. From exploring Jeju City to discovering natural marvels like Seongsan Ilchulbong and the island’s mesmerizing waterfalls, every corner of Jeju Island awaits your exploration. Immerse yourself in the island’s rich culture, venture into the countryside, and soak up the breathtaking coastal views. Jeju Island beckons you to embark on an unforgettable adventure.


1. How can I reach Jeju Island?
2. What is the best time to visit Jeju Island?
3. Are there any famous beaches on Jeju Island?
4. Are English facilities available on Jeju Island?
5. Can I rent a car to explore the island?
6. Are there any unique festivals or events on Jeju Island?

제주도 관광 지도
