인감증명서 인터넷 발급 Internet issuance of certificate of seal impression

How to issue a personal seal certificate online and what to prepare (certificate of signature)
Issuance of personal seal certificate online


There are many people who are looking for a way to issue a personal seal certificate online, right? To start with the conclusion, the seal certificate must be issued by visiting, and the certificate of identity signature can be issued on the Internet as an alternative. Therefore, today, we will introduce a method for issuing a certificate of identity confirmation that is as effective as a seal certificate at home. 인감증명서 인터넷 발급

인감증명서 인터넷 발급


1. What is a seal certificate? 좋은뉴스
2. How to issue a personal seal certificate online
3. What is an identity verification document?
4. How to issue a certificate of personal signature on the Internet
1) Pre-procedures (offline) for first-time visits
2) If it is not the first visit
5. Fees
1. What is a seal certificate?
personal seal certificate

A certificate of seal impression is literally a civil document that proves that the seal (seal) stamped on a document belongs to that person.
Since it is a document related to a seal stamp, in order to obtain a certificate of seal impression, you can obtain it after registering your seal at the local community center that has jurisdiction over your resident registration area. If your seal has already been registered with the issuing agency, you can get a seal certificate issued at any community center regardless of where you live. However, there is a fee of 600 won, and both cash and credit cards are accepted.

The period of validity of the certificate of seal impression varies depending on the institution requesting it, but it is usually three months. In the case of real estate sales, we request documents to be issued within one month.


2. How to issue a personal seal certificate online
How to issue a personal seal certificate online

This is the answer to the most important and curious question, ‘Is it possible to issue a seal certificate online?’
Unfortunately, the certificate of seal impression cannot be issued online in any way. You can visit and get it issued unconditionally as it is officially informed by Government 24.

In this busy modern society, many people find it difficult to visit community centers.
For those people, there is a Certificate of Confirmation of Personal Signature, which has the same effect as a certificate of seal impression. The validity is the same as the seal certificate, but it can be issued on the Internet, so it can be replaced, but many people do not know.


Certificate of personal seal Certificate of authenticity of signature

The difference between a personal seal certificate and a signature confirmation document is as follows.
There are two methods of issuing the confirmation of signature: in person (offline) and on the Internet (online). The term ‘electronic signature confirmation’ is used when you receive a certificate of identity signature on the Internet.


Classification Certificate of personal seal Certificate of personal signature confirmation Electronic signature confirmation
Prior procedure Prior seal registration (commercial center in the jurisdiction of the address) None Application for prior use approval (first time)
Applicant person or representative person
How to apply Visit the issuing agency at the community center Access Government 24
Identification Identification Identification Verification Identification Verification Authorized Certificate
Looking at the difference between the seal certificate and the identity confirmation document, ① the seal certificate can be issued in person, but the identity confirmation document can be issued online, ② the seal impression certificate can be issued by proxy, but the identity confirmation document is unconditional. The point is that only you can issue it.

Information on proxy issuance of seal impression certificates can be found at the link below.
<Summary of personal seal certificate issuance by proxy>

3. What is an identity verification document?
How to issue a certificate of personal signature on the Internet

Until now, it has been said that it is impossible to issue a personal seal certificate online, so it can be replaced with a certificate of confirmation of the fact of the person’s signature.

It has the same effect as the seal certificate.
A personal seal is not necessary as it can be obtained only with the signature of the applicant.
Online and in-person applications are both available.
It is not possible to issue by proxy, only the issuance is possible.

4. How to issue a certificate of personal signature on the Internet
How to issue an electronic signature confirmation

How can I get an electronic signature confirmation? If this is your first visit, you must visit offline unconditionally and go through the pre-procedures. After that, you can get it issued online. So let’s break it down into first-time visits and non-first-time visits.


1) Pre-procedures (offline) for first-time visits
<Application for using the issuance system>
① Bring your ID card and visit the issuing agency (city/county office, eup/myeon/dong office)
② Sign on the electronic image signature input device
③ Fill in the information such as purpose of use on the printed out confirmation of signature
④ The person in charge of the issuing agency fills out the items to be issued, receives the signature of the civil petitioner, and issues a confirmation

In summary, if you are first issued a certificate of identity verification, you can register your signature at the community center and then get it issued online.


2) If it is not the first visit
① Implementation of multi-login at Government24
② Search for ‘Certificate of Confirmation of Your Signature’ in the government24 search box
③ Click Issuance
④ Print out the issuance certificate or download it to the electronic document wallet and use it

Although the pre-procedure is cumbersome at the first visit, once you register, you can receive an electronic signature confirmation from the comfort of your home, so it’s much easier, right? The validity period of the seal certificate is about 3 months, which is short, so it will be convenient for those who are burdened with offline visits.

5. Fees

Finally, let’s look at fees. Fees usually do not exceed 1,000 won, so some people do not care because they are small. However, if you are frequently issuing documents, it is a good idea to compare the fees for the seal certificate and the confirmation of your signature and choose the cheaper one.

Certificate of personal seal Certificate of signature confirmation Electronic signature confirmation
600 won 600 won free
There is a fee of 600 won per copy for the certificate of seal impression and confirmation of signature, but the electronic signature confirmation is free. Internet issuance is also possible, and documents can be issued free of charge and without burden.

Self-signed confirmation

The core of today’s summary is ‘let’s replace the seal certificate with an electronic signature confirmation!’
The fee is free and it can be issued online, so you can get it issued at any time in a comfortable space, but there are many people who don’t know, so I wrote this article.