소액결제 차단 Block microtransactions

How to change and block mobile phone micropayment limits

When using a cell phone, there are cases where I make microtransactions unintentionally or because I can’t control my spending habits. Let’s see how to change or block the limit at this time. I am using skt, so I will inform you on this basis.

소액결제 차단


Using the carrier’s app
It is possible to change and block limits mainly in each carrier’s app. First, how to change the payment limit. 소액결제 차단


Run the T world app
my fee
Touch mobile phone payment/content usage fee (The mobile phone micropayment service must be subscribed to be activated.) 좋은뉴스
Once the total limit amount is confirmed, touch the ‘Change Limit’ tab below to change the limit.

Here’s how to block payment itself.


Mobile phone payment/content fee menu
Touch the phrase ‘You are using mobile phone payment’
Set the usage limit to 0 won and block payment ← Touch the phrase to activate and change

I’ve learned how to change and block the amount of mobile phone micropayments like this, but it’s better to set the limit in advance because unwanted payments can be made while using mobile phone micropayments.