무상거주사실확인서 Certificate of free residence

Guidelines for filling out the confirmation of free residency



< Guidelines for filling out the confirmation of free residency >


Two years ago, I filled out the confirmation of free residency, but after two years, I have to report again. 무상거주사실확인서

I’m going to write again in 2 years, but my memory is fuzzy.. So I’m going to leave it as a post in advance. 좋은뉴스


Guidelines for filling out the confirmation of free residency

In the personal information of the gratuitous resident, write the certificate number, head of household, date of birth, and contact information.

In the period of residence and reason for free residence, the start date and end date of the free residence period must be written.

In the reason for free residence (relationship), you can check the relevant information.

Write the name, date of birth, and phone number of the building owner or the monthly rental contract in the part of the free rental confirmation person.

Lastly, fill out the application date and name and a few signatures, and you’re done!

Now you need to prepare the necessary documents.


Documents to be submitted for confirmation of free residence include a building management ledger, a certified copy of register, and a receipt for local tax payment.

It is stated that if the previous month’s tax address is not changed, it is re-imposed every 2 years, and when 2 years have elapsed, it must be re-reported.

In addition, if you do not submit the confirmation of free residence, the tax data for the previous month may change with the amount investigated in advance by the corporation and the medical insurance premium may increase.

Lastly, send the documents by fax and contact the customer center to check whether the fax is received or not!! Check it out.

Occasionally it may be missing, so be sure to check it out.