메리츠화재 고객센터 Meritz Fire & Marine Customer Center

Meritz Fire & Marine Customer Center phone number, operating hours

Source: Meritz Fire & Marine
Today, it is one of the three largest non-life insurance companies in Korea.

Let’s find out about the Meritz Fire & Marine Customer Center phone number and operating hours. 메리츠화재 고객센터

메리츠화재 고객센터

Meritz Fire & Marine Customer Center 좋은뉴스
The Meritz Fire & Marine Customer Center is a place created to solve the various needs and problems of customers enrolled in Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance. Meritz Fire & Marine Customer Center operates over 70 customer centers, including telephone and online consultation, to help customers quickly and easily obtain all the information they want, including insurance-related inquiries and service use.


The Meritz Fire & Marine Customer Center provides online counseling services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so customers can obtain the information they need anytime, anywhere. To this end, customer center staff always put customer satisfaction first and provide friendly and professional service.

Meritz Fire & Marine-Official-Homepage-Capture-Photo
Source: Meritz Fire & Marine official website


Meritz Fire & Marine Customer Center phone number, operating hours
Meritz Fire & Marine Customer Center phone number is 1566-7711.
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Meritz Fire & Marine-Customer Center-ARS-Information-Photos
Source: Meritz Fire & Marine
The Meritz Fire & Marine Customer Center is open 24 hours a day, and you can contact us by phone at any time.
However, as the time and method available for consultation may vary depending on the specific situation or service,

It is recommended to check the Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance Customer Center official website or other channels before consulting.



Meritz Fire & Marine Internet Customer Center Link
The Meritz Fire & Marine Internet Customer Center is a space created so that customers can conveniently use insurance services online.

You can use it by clicking ‘Internet Customer Center’ on the official Meritz Fire & Marine website (www.meritzfire.com).


(Go to Meritz Fire Internet Customer Center)


The Meritz Fire & Marine Internet Customer Center provides information related to various insurance services, and you can apply for services such as insurance subscription, insurance claim, and insurance premium payment online. In addition, information and consultation on documents required for insurance contracts and inquiries are also available.

Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance-Internet-Customer Center-Homepage-Capture-Photo

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