린나이 보일러 에러코드 Rinnai boiler error code oper gas flow and en

린나이 보일러 에러코드
Title: Understanding Rinnai Boiler Error Codes: Troubleshooting Guide for Homeowners

Are you experiencing issues with your Rinnai boiler? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Like any other heating system, Rinnai boilers can encounter problems from time to time. Fortunately, most issues can be easily resolved by understanding and addressing the error codes displayed on the boiler’s control panel. In this blog post, we’ll explore the most common Rinnai boiler error codes, provide troubleshooting tips, and offer solutions to ensure your home stays cozy and warm throughout the colder months.

1. Error Code 10: Air Supply or Exhaust Blockage
If your Rinnai boiler displays an error code 10, it indicates a blockage in the air supply or exhaust system. Ensure there are no obstructions limiting the air intake or exhaust vent. Checking for debris or any signs of damage is crucial. Clearing any blockages can rectify this issue and allow your boiler to operate efficiently.

2. Error Code 12: Flame Failure
When error code 12 appears, it suggests a flame failure in your Rinnai boiler. This typically occurs when the burner fails to ignite or maintain a flame. Check for proper gas flow and ensure the gas valve is fully open. If the issue persists, contact a professional technician for assistance.

3. Error Code 25: Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature Sensor Fault
Error code 25 indicates a fault with the heat exchanger outlet temperature sensor. It is crucial to have this issue addressed promptly, as it can affect the performance and efficiency of your boiler. Contact a qualified technician to diagnose the problem and replace the faulty sensor if necessary.

4. Error Code 29: Outlet Water Temperature Sensor Fault
When error code 29 appears, it signifies a fault with the outlet water temperature sensor. This sensor is responsible for monitoring the temperature of water leaving the boiler. A malfunctioning sensor can lead to inconsistent heating. It is recommended to have the sensor checked and replaced if needed by an authorized technician.

5. Error Code 61: Gas Control Valve Fault
Error code 61 indicates a fault with the gas control valve, responsible for regulating the flow of gas to the burner. If you encounter this error, it is crucial to seek professional help to avoid any potential safety hazards associated with the gas supply.

6. Error Code 79: Water Leakage Detected
When error code 79 is displayed, it signifies a water leakage issue within the boiler. Water leaks can lead to severe damage if left unattended. Inspect all visible connections, valves, and pipes for signs of water leakage. If the problem persists, reach out to a professional for prompt repairs.


1. What should I do if I am unable to troubleshoot the error code on my Rinnai boiler?
If you are unable to resolve the error code, it is best to contact a qualified technician who specializes in Rinnai boiler repairs. They have the expertise to diagnose and fix the problem efficiently.

2. Is it safe to attempt DIY repairs for Rinnai boiler error codes?
While some troubleshooting steps can be performed by homeowners, it is important to exercise caution. Handling gas-powered appliances can be dangerous, so it’s best to leave more complex repairs to professionals.

3. How often should I schedule maintenance for my Rinnai boiler?
To ensure optimal performance and prolonged lifespan, it is recommended to schedule annual maintenance for your Rinnai boiler. Regular maintenance can help identify and address potential issues before they become major problems.

4. Can power outages cause Rinnai boiler error codes?
Yes, power outages can trigger error codes in Rinnai boilers due to disrupted electrical flow. To resolve any resulting errors, simply reset the boiler by turning it off and on again after power is restored.

5. Are Rinnai boiler error codes covered under warranty?
Rinnai boilers usually come with a manufacturer’s warranty. However, it is essential to review the warranty terms and conditions to determine if error code-related repairs are covered.

6. Is it recommended to use online diagnostics tools for Rinnai boiler error codes?
While online diagnostic tools can provide general guidance, it’s always best to consult a certified technician. They possess the specialized knowledge required to accurately identify and resolve specific error code issues.

Understanding Rinnai boiler error codes is crucial for prompt and effective troubleshooting. By following the provided guidelines, homeowners can address common issues themselves or seek professional assistance when needed. Regular maintenance and timely repairs ensure your Rinnai boiler operates at peak efficiency, keeping your home comfortably warm during the winter months.

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