두피 열 내리는법 how to get rid of scalp fever

How to get rid of scalp fever (Experience of overcoming hair loss on the crown)

When hair loss begins, it usually seems to be divided into two reactions. 두피 열 내리는법

1. No, no, no way, I’m going to lose my hair already, 좋은뉴스

2. What a big deal, is my life over?

두피 열 내리는법

Denial of reality or mental breakdown like this.. I was like that too. I didn’t believe it at first.

Even when I went to the hospital and showed my hair to the dermatologist and was told it was hair loss.

‘Ah, I must have caught a hugu to make money… My father and grandfather weren’t bald either’

How to Get Rid of Scalp Fever

Then, after several years, I felt the crown of my head becoming increasingly thin and empty.

I entered step 2. Mental breakdown.. Join the hair loss community to find information

I upload a picture of my hair and ask “How much is it?”

They said they looked for balmo spray, medicine, shampoo, and folk remedies.

(The hair laser beam, which was popular at the time, was also bought..)



Don’t do just one thing…
Everything that is good for your head should be done at the same time..!

As a person who is still working hard to overcome hair loss so hard

I have summarized the ‘how to get rid of scalp fever’, which is the representative cause of hair loss in oriental medicine.


head cold
In fact, I don’t feel scalp fever well in my life.

Except when you have a fever or a headache

I don’t like the thought of having a fever on my scalp in my life.


However, as the metabolism deteriorates due to overwork, stress, etc.

In a state where you don’t know yourself, the scalp heat rises and stays in a state that does not go down.

Hair cycles throughout life, going through a growth phase and a rest phase.


So it may look like you’re losing a lot of hair temporarily, but that’s not the case.

You shouldn’t worry too much. It’s just that once the hair falls out, it doesn’t grow back.

It is to become bald.


To help this cycle, the scalp needs to be kept cool.

In the dormant period, because the condition full of scalp heat is a condition in which it is difficult to grow hair.

It prevents hair growth or causes hair follicles to die.

So how do you cool your head?
scalp fever
Tools that give cooling directly to the head were in vogue.

I’ve seen such a tool at Olive Young, and it was quite popular. scalp temporarily

It is to lower the heat of the scalp by cooling it down.


But the problem is that it’s temporary. Can’t you force me to cool my head 24/7?

What about when you sleep? Haha Simply controlling the temperature cannot be a way to reduce scalp fever.


However, taking off a hat or lowering the room temperature to cool your head can help.

However, simply cooling the scalp cannot be a fundamental countermeasure against scalp fever from the inside.

This is because scalp fever is a ‘balance of the body’ problem.

For example, if you catch a fever, your forehead and body are hot, but it’s not hot because the room is hot, but it’s a ‘cold virus’

It’s like having a fever because of the body’s fighting response.



Stretching the muscles in the neck area
In the case of office workers who repeatedly commute to and from the office, most trapezius muscles are united.

The act of typing while looking at the monitor in a rigid posture for a long time strains the trapezius muscle.

This area will harden. So, when you massage the trapezius muscles, the scream comes out just as much.

It means hardened.


If this part is hardened, the heat generated from the scalp cannot go down.

So if you stretch your neck and release your trapezius muscles well, you will experience a clearer head.

This is because the piled-up poison, scalp heat, goes down as it circulates.


move your legs tiredly
Moving the lower body with aerobic exercise, jogging, mountain climbing, etc.

It is effective in reducing scalp fever. When the lower body is tired, blood rushes to that area

The heat that stayed on the scalp goes down and the head becomes clear.


Anger builds up, a thousand dollars goes away, in a word, refers to a situation in which heat goes to the head and cannot go down.

Tired legs. Then you are doing an act that naturally lowers the scalp fever.

But it’s hard to keep this,, mostly because I’m too tired to go to work and get off work again.


Veggie rather than carbs, but make sure to pack protein
Carbohydrates are a major source of energy for our body. However, carbohydrates to reduce scalp fever

should be avoided. Vegetarian food is much more helpful in balancing our body than carbs.

You also need to take care of protein as it nourishes not only muscles but also hair.

Vegetable protein is better than pork, which tends to be cold, and meat protein, which may not suit your body.

Be sure to take care of proteins such as tofu, beans, and seafood.


In my case, I took it with a hair-only nutrient like Pansidil. The only noticeable effect of this

I haven’t seen it, but when combined with various therapies, I definitely felt the effect in terms of hair thickness.


To reduce scalp fever, it is not necessary to lower the temperature.
You have to balance your body..!

In order to get rid of scalp fever, sprays like this ‘cooling down scalp fever’ were very popular.

But that’s not an intrinsic solution. Aiming at the needs of just wanting to do hair loss

It’s a deficiency hunting item.


I think hair loss is a comprehensive treatment (?) area. It is not a hair loss medicine, hair balm spray, or shampoo

This is an area where everything can be effective only when they are consistently paralleled.

In the beginning, I also applied only the ‘hair growth agent’ diligently. And don’t fall out of the hair beam for 3 months

I have done it. Nothing worked.


The effect was seen after using hair loss pills, minoxidil, aerobic exercise, and hair nutrients such as Pancidil consistently for more than 3 months.

I have experienced that the top of my head is getting thicker and filled again.