공무원채용신체검사 병원 Civil Service Recruitment Physical Examination Hospital

Civil Service Recruitment Physical Examination Failure Criteria

Let’s look at the criteria for failing the physical examination for civil servant recruitment. Currently, Korea conducts public servant recruitment physical examinations to determine whether or not they can perform their duties when newly recruiting state officials, and the regulations for public officials physical examinations are followed.

공무원채용신체검사 병원

Criteria for Failing the Physical Examination for Civil Servant Recruitment 공무원채용신체검사 병원

Civil Service Recruitment Physical Examination Failure Criteria
Civil Service Recruitment Physical Examination Failure Criteria

Public servant recruitment physical examination
Civil servant recruitment physical examination items, cost
Criteria for Failing the Physical Examination for Civil Servant Recruitment 좋은뉴스
good to know

What is different from general private companies is that the employer hires, so the hospital can evaluate the health condition, but it cannot decide whether to join or not. However, there are legal standards for failing the physical examination for civil servant recruitment, and the hospital makes a judgment based on that standard.


Public servant recruitment physical examination

Since there are institutions that can conduct physical examinations for civil servant recruitment, prospective civil servants who wish to undergo physical examinations should not go to any medical institution, but should inquire in advance and ask if they are conducting physical examinations for civil servant recruitment.


The physical examination for civil servants takes about 2-3 hours, and the physical examination is conducted considering the type of job to be applied for, and the result of passing or deferring judgment is received. At this time, the applicant can refer to the decision by submitting a specialist’s opinion in advance, and a medical request for a second physical examination is issued.


Civil servant recruitment physical examination items, cost

The items of the public servant recruitment physical examination are not much different from the general health examination, and are as follows.


Doctor’s examination, interview, health consultation: If you are receiving treatment for oncology, psychiatric disease, etc., or have a history of treatment, please bring a statement from the doctor in charge (including no major obstacles to your work).
Blood test: CBC (leukocyte, platelet, red blood cell, hemoglobin, etc.), liver function test (ALT/AST/r-GTP), cholesterol, blood sugar test included / Syphilis test items and hepatitis B antigen antibody test have been deleted since 2020 .
Chest X-ray: Determines whether or not there is active tuberculosis. Pregnant women do not need to take an X-ray.
Urine test (urinary glucose, proteinuria): Female applicants during menstrual period are also eligible.
Body measurements (height, weight, waist circumference, color vision, visual acuity, hearing, blood pressure): Candidates using glasses or hearing aids can use the test.

It takes about 3-4 hours, and the cost of the checkup must be borne by the applicant. The cost varies from institution to institution, but it ranges from 30,000 to 40,000 won, and since each institution is different, be sure to inquire about the cost in advance.


Criteria for Failing the Physical Examination for Civil Servant Recruitment

Civil servants are subject to a physical examination to determine whether or not they can perform their duties because their employer is the state, and if they meet the criteria for failing the physical examination, they cannot be hired.



However, as an exception, in the following cases, a person who is recognized as having no impediment to performing the duties may be employed even if he or she is judged unqualified in the physical examination.


In accordance with Article 4, Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 4, 6, 12, 15, and 17 of the Act on Honoring and Supporting Persons of National Merit, etc. and National Social Development Special Achievement Award
Disguised persons under Articles 2 and 3 of the Act on Courtesy and Support for Injured Persons, etc.
Persons with disabilities under Article 2 of the Welfare of Persons with Disabilities Act

In addition to the criteria for failing the physical examination for civil servant recruitment, we looked at why it is conducted, items, institutions, and costs. A public official is a person who is in charge of the affairs of a national or local public entity and is divided into national public officials and local public officials according to the scope of duties, and divided into general and special positions according to the method of appointment and work.


I believe that those who are reading this article are reading this to find out about the physical examination for recruitment after passing the civil service recruitment competitive exam.


I hope you take a good look at the public servant recruitment physical examination and be safely appointed and contribute to the development of the country. So far, we have found out the criteria for failing the physical examination for civil servant recruitment.